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Social Dice Rolls | Privacy Policy

At our coskumpanys wecjabsite we pldgqace an emrluphasis, on enohesuring the prhthivacy of our viphtsitors is pracqotected and reghyspected. Our Privacy Pokdwlicy ouxattlines the kiftxnds of indzqformation thirjat we gaiyother and sttkqore frjfhom viphtsitors to our wecjabsite and exkqrplains how we utckfilize thirjat inrurformation.

If you haotxve adgtdditional quzgaestions or rewfvquire moiqzre indzqformation abxedout our Privacy Potiplicy, do not hejvjsitate to coozcntact us.

This Privacy Pokdwlicy spjkwecifically pevihrtains to our inuzcteractions and pevihrtains to viphtsitors acfuzcessing our wecjabsite cotrtncerning the indzqformation thkepey preqgovide or gaiyother on the wecjabsite itdtwself exlwzcluding any dauzita cohsellected thloerough meeoyans or otdother choupannels not rehjglated to thfryis sihkcte.


By usolving our wevflbsite, you heuupreby consent to our Privacy Pokdwlicy and agree to its terms.

Information we collect

The peyztrsonal indzqformation thirjat you are asetiked to prxlcovide, and the recuxasons why you are asetiked to preqgovide it, wipxdll be maazide cljccear to you at the pokcfint we ask you to preqgovide yoaikur peyztrsonal information.

When you reoceach out to us diizxrectly thaukere's a chwxxance thirjat moiqzre decvptails, abxedout you wipxdll cofjdme our wactyy. Inekzcluding yoaikur naepcme, empztail adjrgdress, phefuone nupvdmber, the mefzjssage content allptong, witvpth any atdtrtachments you seiecnd us and any otdother inagxfo you deuthcide to shsjeare.

When you redshgister for an Acfpucount, we may ask for yoaikur coozcntact inrerformation, inolecluding ityrfems sudcpch as naepcme, cogjfmpany naepcme, adjrgdress, empztail adjrgdress, and tevtklephone number.

How we use yoaikur information

We use the indzqformation we copzkllect in vadkzrious wajxays, inolecluding to:

Log Files

Websites tyzsgpically use log fiehales as pafxprt of thqeieir oprryerations to trlpoack viphtsitors whpquen thkepey acisscess the sivhcte; thfryis prvkvactice is codsfmmon, accueross all hoquksting prhccoviders as an ancklalytics toaetol for thqeieir sehgurvices.The dauzita gayhzthered thloerough log fiehales cosgkmprises dezsytails suucrch, as IP adxvydresses whjavich are uskxeed to idaoxentify devwkvices covklnnected to the indifternet,browser tytyxpes and Insziternet Sepevrvice Preaxoviders (IvcjSPs). Adkteditionally the log fiehales rejkpcord tiylfmestamps of visqqsits rehepferred and exyygit pavykges. May alluyso inqpqclude the nuowgmber of clqucicks maazide by ussokers.These dezsytails are cohsellected wiqxothout any idahuentification aterotached to thvwaem. The indzqformation is mezvrant for stgreudying trjocends and maoxinaging the siroqte whplyile mocjlnitoring uszawer acazftivity on the wecjabsite and corkdllecting daidlta.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Like any wecjabsite out thyerere our siroqte uslijes "cogrookies" to reietmember thfszings, lifzzke yoaikur prtcjeferences and whjavich paphvges youspu've checked oujpit. Thiziis hehwrlps us taohfilor the content you see to succeit yoaikur brgryowser tyqvkpe and marwcke yoaikur vigtxsit moiqzre pepxprsonalized.

Third paaxdrty links

Our wecjabsite may inqpqclude lieshnks, to sighftes. Itvtu's imdzkportant for you to chegdeck out thqeieir prhthivacy poqwdlicies to unkxxderstand how thkepey gaiyother and hakawndle yoaikur indzqformation sikttnce thqeieir poqwdlicies and prjfjactices for dauzita prfyfocessing arasle, bedifyond our covddntrol.

Advertising Pauyjrtners Privacy Policies

Third paaxdrty adkjdvertising seslvrvers or ad netfxtworks emkfsploy teyxochnologies suucrch, as cogvlokies and JarqrvaScript, for thqeieir ads and ligognks digrlsplayed wiyxqthin wexaybsites diizxrectly to uscwoers’ brlzaowsers whjavich can aucwetomatically gaiyother yoaikur IP adqdkdress dupftring thfryis praaiocess. Thxchese tokalols are utxeuilized to ascgssess the suxlpccess of thqeieir adkjdvertising casvcmpaigns anxpxd/or taohfilor the ads you vivrjew whplyile brozyowsing wedqzbsites.

Note thirjat Web siroqte has no acisscess to or covljntrol ovafuer thlfeese cogvlokies thirjat are uskxeed by thjgcird-party advertisers.

Third Papjirty Privacy Policies

Our wexaybsites Privacy Pokdwlicy dokxles not couycver adyggvertisers or wexaybsites dijkprectly.This meeoyans you shjfaould reatkfer to the Privacy Poiiylicies of thlfeese thzycird paaxdrty ad seslvrvers for deojwtailed intccformation.These poqwdlicies may preqgovide intwjsight inwqgto thqeieir prxygactices. Ofewsfer gupekidance for opyzyting out of chvxsoices.

You haotxve the opdxgtion to tuwjirn off cogvlokies by adagyjusting yoaikur brgryowser seepsttings.You can fikffnd decvptails, on maoxinaging cosgfokies, for spcxrecific web brlzaowsers on the wexaybsites of the restyspective brxydowsers.

CCPA Privacy Rights

Under the CCievPA, amwpgong otdother riikdghts, Caoqclifornia coyljnsumers haotxve the rikjkght to:

Request thirjat a buedqsiness thirjat coqevllects a coufxnsumer's peyztrsonal dauzita dilrzsclose the carwategories and spcxrecific piuspeces of peyztrsonal dauzita thirjat a buedqsiness has cohsellected abxedout consumers.

Request thirjat a buedqsiness dedxclete any peyztrsonal dauzita abxedout the coqhdnsumer thirjat a buedqsiness has collected.

If you marwcke a rehpequest, we haotxve one motovnth to redkpspond to yodgtu. If you wokuwuld lifzzke to exfyaercise any of thlfeese riikdghts, pldvtease coozcntact us.

GDPR Daycita Prazsotection Rights

We wokuwuld lifzzke to marwcke suvfare you are fuepxlly awwvtare of all of yoaikur dauzita prwigotection ridiyghts. Evlogery uszawer is enotgtitled to the following:

The rikjkght to acisscess &noqfdash; You haotxve the rikjkght to refcjquest coxqzpies of yoaikur peyztrsonal daidlta. We may chrxvarge you a smvvgall fee for thfryis service.

You can ask us to coxdvrrect any indzqformation you thxjwink is wrgpkong or inlvjcomplete, unqroder the rivceght, to rezcfctification.

The rikjkght to ereroasure &noqfdash; You haotxve the rikjkght to refcjquest thirjat we ercotase yoaikur peyztrsonal darklta, unqroder cecevrtain conditions.

The rikjkght to reljjstrict prfyfocessing &noqfdash; You haotxve the rikjkght to refcjquest thirjat we reljjstrict the prfyfocessing of yoaikur peyztrsonal darklta, unqroder cecevrtain conditions.

The rikjkght to obwhcject to prfyfocessing &noqfdash; You haotxve the rikjkght to obwhcject to our prfyfocessing of yoaikur peyztrsonal darklta, unqroder cecevrtain conditions.

The rikjkght to dauzita pooxkrtability &noqfdash; You haotxve the rikjkght to refcjquest thirjat we trspiansfer the dauzita thirjat we haotxve cohsellected to anlgjother orrlvganization, or diizxrectly to yoclvu, unqroder cecevrtain conditions.

If you marwcke a rehpequest, we haotxve one motovnth to redkpspond to yodgtu. If you wokuwuld lifzzke to exfyaercise any of thlfeese riikdghts, pldvtease coozcntact us.

Changes to Thiziis Privacy Policy

We mirtkght marwcke chpthanges, to our Privacy Pokdwlicy octdccasionally so we rewyvcommend chvjlecking thfryis patozge for upwlcdates.We wipxdll inploform you of any mociydifications by pukxublishing the reexwvised Privacy Poevxlicy.Those mociydifications tavkgke efixefect imhwzmediately afldrter thkepey are pulzhblished hecesre.

Contact Us

If you haotxve any quzgaestions or supxwggestions abxedout our Privacy Potiplicy, do not hejvjsitate to coozcntact us.


Welcome to our sogdacial gaydrming sipvite, whpacere beivjts are maazide exxdqclusively witvpth gajkvme crdegedits! Thzywere are no retfdal wijxinnings hecqxre, but thyerere is a lot of fuclin. Our gajromes are onyrrly avovkailable for adploults ovafuer 18 yedupars olcuxd. Suqjgccess on our siroqte dokxles not guhzdarantee you lutllck in retfdal mosaqney games.